Year: 2025
Area: 60m2
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Role: Designer/Contractor
本案為40坪別墅樣板房,以雅緻大地色系為基調,打造舒適且具品味的生活空間。在工程上使用牆板省去大量時間成本,同時亦可確保施工品質。整體以簡約且富層次的設計,勾勒多數人的理想新居。施工中, 敬請期待
Year: 2025-Present
Area: 145m2
Location: Tainan, Taiwan
Role: Designer/Contractor
Project Type: Professional
Year: 2024
Area: 200 sqm
Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Role: Designer/Contractor
Year: 2025-Present
Area: 450m2
Location: Tainan, Taiwan
本案該建築於結構完成后, 主要負責研發樓設計,CAD製圖, 3D效果圖, 現場監工及溝通協調各方工作。
Project Type: Professional
Role: Site Designer
Year: 2017
Area: 222,715 sqm
Location: Hefei, China
Anjiplay introduces a new educational approach for preschoolers, prioritizing play as the primary method of learning, development, and growth.
The architecture of Anjiplay echoes this philosophy by emphasizing playfulness, authenticity, and the genuine experience of childhood.
Given the unique complexities of each building cluster, onsite adjustments were necessary. The scope of work includes daily supervision, mockups, material selection, and partial landscape design, ensuring that every detail aligns with the overarching vision of creating an enriching environment for young learners.
安吉遊戲是一種前衛創新的教育方式,兒童透過遊戲學習、發展和成長。 建筑設計反映了這一理念,強調遊戲性、真實性和兒童自然成長的體驗。 考慮到每個建筑集群的不規則性,駐場建築師需現場調整決定設計細節。工作範圍包括日常監督、樣板製作、選擇材料和部分景觀設計,以確保每一個細節來確保兒童的豐富體驗和業主的願景。
Role: Site Architect
Phase: CA
Year: 2021-2022
Area: 28,000 sqm
Location: Anji, China
Diageo, a renowned global producer of premium beverages, is embarking on an exciting new venture - the construction of their first single-malt whisky distillery in China.
Located in Dali, Yunnan, the project encompasses production buildings, a visitor center, and a stunning 19-meter beacon tower, all set on a 66,000-square-meter linear site.
主要工作內容為參與前期SD設計, 並代表紐約公司與當地業主, 項目管理, 設計院, 技術顧問...等多方溝通協調。
Role: Project Coordinator
Phase: SD, DD, Tender
Year: 2021-2022
Area: 66,000 sqm
Location: Yunnan, China
This project is a renovation for two studio apartments in Taichung. The property is intended to be used as rental units, a limited budget and construction timeline are required.
The design utilizes vertical lines to enhance the height, and the finishes are made of easy-to-clean and fire-resistant HPL sheets. Light color is used to make the space perceived as a larger space. Near the end of construction, both apartments were successfully rented out.
本案是兩戶位於台中的30年套房整修。主要用途為出租用, 故預算和工期控制要求較高。
設計過程用REVIT精準掌控材料面積, 磁磚和石塑地板皆沒有產生餘料。整體視覺用垂直線條來加強空間的高度感受, 面材選擇易清潔和耐火的美耐板, 整體用淺色調來放大空間感。該案於收尾階段即有租客主動詢問並順利出租。
Project Type: Professional
Year: 2024
Area: 23 sqm
Location: Taichung, Taiwan
Role: Designer/Contractor
Project Type: Professional
Role: Designer
Year: 2018
Area: 300 sqm
Location: Shanghai, China
Project Type: Professional
Year: 2017
Area: 400 sqm
Location: Taoyuan, Taiwan
本案位於南港住宅大樓頂層的住宅, 單戶室內面積120坪。規劃設計3個月, 施工4個月. 主要負責CAD製圖, 3D效果圖, 以及現場監工。
Role: Assistant Designer
Phase: SD to CA
Year: 2013
Area: 400 sqm
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
本案是位於南港住宅大樓頂層的兩戶住宅, 單戶室內面積120坪。規劃設計3個月, 施工4個月. 主要負責CAD製圖, 3D效果圖, 以及現場監工。
Role: Assistant Designer
Phase: SD to CA
Year: 2013
Area: 400 sqm
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
欣葉台北健康店, 設計面積260坪。 主要參與設計構想, CAD製圖, 3D效果圖, 以及部份選材和場勘。
Role: Assistant Designer
Phase: SD, DD
Year: 2013
Area: 950 sqm
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
MCA, Museum of Contemporary Arts, is a new extension of the Legion of Honor Museum, located on top of the Lincoln Park hill with panoramic views of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
Dedicated to showcasing contemporary art in a global context, MCA boasts a bold and innovative design that pays homage to its historical roots. Drawing inspiration from the architectural language of the Legion of Honor Museum.
The building features stone cladding and reinterprets classical symmetry in a modern aesthetic. The result is a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, creating a unique and compelling space for the presentation of modern art collections from around the world.
MCA(當代藝術博物館)是Legion of Honor博物館的新擴建項目,它位於舊金山林肯公園山頂,可俯瞰金門大橋的全景。致力於展示來自世界各地的當代藝術作品,MCA設計向其歷史根源致敬, 引用Legion of Honor博物館的建築語言啟發,採用了石材外牆,並以現代美學重新詮釋古典對稱, 呈現了傳統與創新的和諧結合,並營造出一個獨特的空間來呈現現代藝術藏品。
Year: 2019
Area: 4,500 sqm
Location: SOMA, San Francisco
Role: Designer
SFETT (San Francisco Environmental Think Tank) is situated in the SOMA district of downtown San Francisco. Historically, the neighborhood was dominated by light industrial buildings such as repair shops, warehouses, and factories.
The new design seeks to breathe new life into the community by promoting walking and biking. The concept is to create a "shortcut" by breaking down the building into smaller volumes, effectively shortening the walking distance, while also opening up inner spaces for public use.
This strategy enhances connectivity and fosters a sense of community engagement, revitalizing the area and creating a dynamic urban environment.
SFETT(舊金山環保智庫)位於舊金山市中心的SOMA區。這個社區過去以輕型工業建筑為主,如汽車修理廠、倉庫和廠房。 新的設計通過鼓勵步行代替開車來為社區注入新的可能性。概念是通過將建筑分解為較小的單元,同時開放內部空間供公眾使用,從而創造一個“捷徑”來有效地縮短步行距離。 這種策略增強了連通性,促進了社區參與感,使該區焕发活力,創造了一個充滿活力的城市環境。
Year: 2019
Area: 2,000 sqm
Location: SOMA, San Francisco
Role: Designer